9/11 Remembarence Day
Happy September! School is back in full swing. As much joy that this may bring to people, we need to stop and think about some of the memorial days at the beginning of September such as 9/ll Remembrance Day, on September 11 th . Where were you on this day? Were you born yet? Do you know anyone who was affected by 9/11? I was in the first grade when the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred and changed history forever. Kids like you in this day and age have grown up in the world with terrorism and heightened security measures, like when you have to take your shoes off while going through security in an airport and walk through those full-body scanners . How do you feel when you are walking through security? Safe, nervous? I know I always get a little nervous inside while my bag is going through the scanner, even though I checked my bag a thousand times for that water bottle that slipped in there. Next time you walk through...